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I says

Parf of speech: Phrase, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Yeah. Yeah. And ah you-know, he said- he invited me to the party and I says, "Well, you- know-." And he says it was out in Brampton and I lived in Brampton.
"I say", "I said"
Finally, she says, "It's Katie." And ah so I says, "Give her my number." And she called and she invited me over for a- a glass of wine and- and a piece of her cheesecake and a fire-- a fireplace. And I- I- I'd been by myself for about four or five years. I was a bach.
"I say", "I said"
So of course you're child is- is gonna use that language. That's what you're teaching your kid." And I was so put off by it ... I went in and I told Rhonda. I says, "Rhonda, there's a parent out there who's using language that-" I- I've never heard that expression Interviewer: (Laughs) neither have I! Speaker: Right? I says "It's using language that I- saying things I've never even heard of" and I says, "I think somebody needs to talk to him" 'cause you-know I mean it's bad enough you get the kids mouthing off like that, now you got parents coming out and yelling and calling kids names that- Like oh-my-goodness! Like who does that?
"I say", "I said"
So I looked at him and I says, "Well I don't know that came from, but the bank won't do it." "My country" (disapproving sound) They already know when they get here- before they get here what it is that they're entitled to and how they have to go about getting it.
"I say", "I said"
He kept- somebody hollers, "Let him go, let him go, you're choking him!" And I says, "I can't let him go. I gotta hang on to him."
"I say", "I said"
Interviewer: Do you remember something he did that he got the strap for? Speaker: No, he was just a bad mouth, I was afraid of him. Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: Uh-huh. I met him one day, one time years later, he said "You never did like me, did you?" and I says "I was afraid of you!" (laughs)
"I say", "I said"
They sat down beside us, very nice girls. And they had two beers. I- I think that was six-seventy-five a cup of beer, right. And so they had some peanuts. Well, her brother is um allergic to peanuts so I- I- I told the girl, I says "No offence please, I- I'm just going to move over a couple of seats 'cause my grandson's a little a--." "Oh no, that's quite alright."
"I say", "I said"
I don't get a refund because I leave half the year and about half the- half of this- half of the classes smartened up and- and left. Um, and because I had- basically I was- it didn't interfere with anything else with me, so I- I says, "Oh well, I'll stick it out and," ...
"I say", "I said"
Speaker: ... he says, "It may be repeated," and I remember type-of- I had just bought my um, my first decent tape machine, tape deck, put it all together in the sound system. I says, "I'm gonna" Interviewer: Tape it. Speaker: "I'm gonna tape this." I'm not- I'm not necessarily going to listen to it, but I says, I says, you-know, "One-hour tape here okay, so I gotta come back in forty-five minutes and- and change it over," so I put a stopwatch type-of-thing, and I says, "Okay, record," and you wen-- you-know, if you went away I mean, you were in
"I say", "I said"
remember type-of- I had just bought my um, my first decent tape machine, tape deck, put it all together in the sound system. I says, "I'm gonna" Interviewer: Tape it. Speaker: "I'm gonna tape this." I'm not- I'm not necessarily going to listen to it, but I says, I says, you-know, "One-hour tape here okay, so I gotta come back in forty-five minutes and- and change it over," so I put a stopwatch type-of-thing, and I says, "Okay, record," ...
"I say", "I said"
Started growing crop and the dampness got into the- all the woodwork in the piano type-of-thing and- and- and popped all the- the- the you-know the veneer and everything else and I s-- you-know, type-of-thing and I thought, "Son-of-a-" I says I- I says "I'm sure it's still salvageable, but now it's three times the work that's-" um the soundboard is still okay, and- but a lot of- a lot of the other stuff got damaged just through dampness, through-
"I say", "I said"
He couldn't get rid of it type-of-thing. It was just- so I says, "This is what I want. I want this, this, you-know, this businesses, this," And I says, "I want the colour lab from the other store. This this and this." And he's- and I says, "Give me a price." Looked at me and he goes, "Here's a pr-- you-know, okay, this is what I want for it." And he says, "That'll," he says, "That'll just finish off my greenhouse up north."
"I say", "I said"
... you don't- you don't keep a lot of money in a current account, but I says, "That and- and- and the- and this money." "Okay, fine." I go, "Okay, deal, done!" And he says, "Well," he says, "One thing," he says, "You don't get the air-conditioner. You gotta ta- - help me take that out and take that up north. I want that.
"I say", "I said"
It was a huge train air-conditioner hanging over the door and I says- and I looked at it and I thought, "Yeah okay," I was young, I says (fake Russian accent) "a nice strong boy." Okay, I go, "I go do it for you, sure, I help you put it in."
"I say", "I said"
Interviewer: He got what he wanted. Speaker: But that was part of the deal and I says, "Okay fine," and I lucked out. And basically I got equipment and stuff that you- you-know, no mortgage, I mean you- you-know, type-of-thing. It was- the value of a small house at that time could buy this stuff, I got for a song.
"I say", "I said"
And I still remember you-know, today type- of-thing, I says, "I got-" this is out of a three-hundred-sixty-five day year, I was getting one-point-one calls a day. And I said, "Now out of- and out of those half of them were junk. People trying to sell me something." I says, "Another- and out of that, twenty-five percent of those left over were people checking to see if orders were ready, things were done."
"I say", "I said"
'Cause it was ninety-two it actually started to dip down, and I went through ninety-three, and I says, "Well I went through," I says, "I went through the eighty-two, eighty-three and came out the other side." I said, "Well let's see if I can do it this time."
"I say", "I said"
... I thought, "Well, um yes it's I-E we'll buy the ticket. it's you-know, the good cause, kind-of-thing, but as for going for the- for the concert part of it," I says, "Unless you- you get right up close within the first how many rows of people they would be you would consider as rows," they said, "it's- it's outside. it's in- the sound is going to go here and it's gonna dissipate and all you're gonna hear is (makes sound)." And I says, "Well-"
"I say", "I said"
Yeah if you can see him type-of-thing by bringing your binoculars because you-know, fifty feet away, these people start getting small. And you go, "Hey is that Mick?" And, and the thing is, damn they're not coming on until ten-o-clock and I says, "They're only gonna do two sets and I've been here all day and I'm red as a beet."
"I say", "I said"
He says, "After that basically, it was people laying on the ground getting burnt." And I says, "But that's like any concert," I says, "That's why you-know, if you like that atmosphere then yeah, you go." Then- and it's just to say, "I was there," and to be part of that type-of-thing. "I was there." You didn't go for the music type-of-thing ...
"I say", "I said"