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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1534, OED Evaluation: NA

a house allocated to or occupied by a minister of certain Nonconformist or non-episcopal Churches, esp. the Church of Scotland.

A stone church, a beautiful building and big manse.
The residence of a preacher near the church.
And a few along Sheppard like the Augden-Funeral-Home and some of the prop-- the Manse beside the church there and- and course the churches themselves have been there for quite some time.
The residence of a preacher near the church.
In the winter, I remember my father taking a load of fire-wood to the manse. Money was very scarce but that was one way to contribute. Many other folks in the area helped in other ways also. Work-bees were also held during the winter to cut fire-wood for the manse and the church building.
The residence of a preacher near the church.