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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1914, OED Evaluation: Colloq. (chiefly Canad.)

A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).

... there's all this prevalence now of guns and- and hard drugs and stuff- like-that. So that's- that's a really big difference um that I've seen myself, you- know. Like I say, I mean, the worst thing was someone brings in a mickey of booze or a joint or two when I was in high-school. Couple of fist-fights. I- I don't ever think I heard of a stabbing but I mean, I knew that every now and then people would have a knife on them or something like that.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
Interviewer: I think it must be the last place in Toronto that's like that. Speaker: Still like that, yeah. Well, they had a few. There was one called the Shoe-box which was at Parliament. And that, you would buy, you-know- or you would go in with your own Mickey and you'd pay a couple of bucks for the- the mix, kind-of-thing. But that was- but the Matador- the reason I- well, that was the west-end.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
Yes they built the Club-Commodore after the War. That was when- when um- well I think Sam talked to the historical society and I should remember all of these stories but I remember you could bring in a- a- a mickey of whatever and put it under the table and- ... then that stopped because I think um somebody infiltrated and-
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
When we were Wainwright, we went into town ah I was a lance-corporal then. Ah sent three of us and we went to a liquor store and got a mickey each, which was out of bounds. So we lost our stripes, we lost a mickey. ... Well we got it back before we ah got to ah cross the border.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
Whoever is transcribing this. Mm 'kay. So, it's, like, a weekend or something and we decided to get drunk. And I hadn't been drunk before. So (laughs) I got Jason to go out and buy me a mickey of vodka,'cause I thought, "You-know, I'm Polish. Whatever, I can take- I'll drink vodka, that's great."
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
So um we go out, get some vodka, you-know. I'm drinking the vodka, whatever. I'm halfway through the mickey, it's my first time drinking. I'm pretty drunk, so whatever. Drink some beers, take some shots of other people's stuff, have a cooler- I'm pretty fucking gone at this point.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
So, grad. I- I'll...preface this by saying I had no idea that Serena even liked me. I-don't-know, I kind-of knew she liked me. But anyways. Um so I show up there, I have, like, a mickey of vodka, Peter has a- like, a twenty-sixer of rum and also, like, two master-shot-glasses. You've got some sort of alcohol, I don't remember what it was. Probably Disaronno and ah.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
Ah I ended up in the hospital one night after a dance but. ... Yeah, and the- then got the third and fourth degree from the local con-- constabulary, going, "Hey guys, ah knew you were on drugs, you were on this." And ah whoa I finished a- a mickey of rum and then I probably had another drink with somebody else and the two didn't blend well together and I had to- teacher sent me out, because I was drunk (laughs) in the dance and I decided to walk home.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
I said to Ray "Well if they're drinking why don't we have a drink?" "Why not?" he says. I reached in my pocket pulled out a- (laughing) a mickey. I always car-- I always carried a- a- a- a small glass in me pocket, eh? Pulled out it, corked it, poured him a shot. (laughing) Holy jeez you should have seen the people looking.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
And while- I got married at four-o'clock in the afternoon while they were- everybody was hustling around. One of the guys I worked with come up the hill (inc). And he was drinking too and he happened to have a mickey so I had to have a good s-- slug of that. So I g-- like there was no big wedding, we went over to the priest's house and it was all over in about four minutes. Jeez when I think back. Terrible. It's terrible. But we survived.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
... totally different personalities. I can see ah the little guy growing up as a teenager being the one standing on the back of the couch with the keg on the coffee table and throwing a huge party. ... As opposed to the daughter, well I can see her having the little mickey in her bag hiding in the bedroom with her friends and sipping on it. Two totally different personalities.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
Anyway, I went to this party out- this is another place out in the country. And there's- it was basically myself, Sean and older kids. And there was like- there's some kids my age but um we ended up going and we had- so we both had a mickey of ah vodka. ... And we're like ah we were going to be here night 'cause we were planning on staying the night-
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
I knew I had to drive to Sudbury with my other friend and his mom. But I didn't really- yeah I didn't really pay much attention so I ended up getting- going there, we're like "Okay we're- we have to chug this." So we each chugged a mickey. ... So I was five-five, probably a hundred and- if a hundred and thirty pounds, I was probably like- I was very small, right? ... And um so chugged that. We were fine, like it was okay, let's go.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
... when I first came back especially to all like the sort-of new friends like "Yeah you were- yeah you were loud. You were cocky." I'm like "I wasn't that bad!" Like he- but I think he- he makes more of it like just to- to take the- the Mickey out of me a bit but- ... Um but anyway so, by the time grade-ten rolled around, I sort-of had- I was a bit sort-of like loud and- ...
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
And that was it, it was a special occasion that you got a case of beer, which probably was about eight or nine dollars in those days. And ah- or you'd have a- s-- mickey of rye and then when we got a little more affluent we switched to scotch. And now I don't like rye, it gives me a headache.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
When- when we had the flu or the cold, went to work and worked hard and got over it. Sweat her out. Um, if that didn't work bring home the mickey-remedy.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).
Interviewer: I shut down here, is there a story with the lightning and the phone? Is there a story there you can tell? Speaker: Not too much, only that it knocked me for a loop. (laughs) ... Interviewer: Alright? So you were just on the phone- Speaker: And then- and the kegs was here, the- Mickey and- somebody was sitting on the couch.
A small bottle of liquor, holding usually 375 ml (13 oz).