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Parf of speech: Adverb, OED Year: 1623, OED Evaluation: N/A

Relatively near the end of a period of time; in the latter part of life, a career, etc.

We had one of them down here on the corner of George and Queen run by a man named D.W. for years and latterly that was run by W.B.H. who was a son of J.J.H. who had the shoe chain, you maybe have heard of him some time.
Relatively near the end of a period of time; in the latter part of life, a career, etc.
And cooked with wood, ah, in a cook stove, ah, first, ah, just, ah, a thinly cooked stove latterly, ah, it was, um, our- w-- the type that we called a range which had a warming closet up above and a reservoir at the back of the stove where you could heat water.
Relatively near the end of a period of time; in the latter part of life, a career, etc.
And feather pillows and ah, sheets, I- I think that our- our linens were unbleached linen that mother made up and then bleached out on the grass until they were snow white. Ah, latterly, ah, like after, we sort of graduated from, ah, the straw ticks to what we called corn husk ticks.
Relatively near the end of a period of time; in the latter part of life, a career, etc.
Yeah, you knew people because- and uh the law profession was relatively small then, you knew most of the lawyers in your field, and you know who you could trust, who you couldn 't trust and so on, but uh, latterly, you-know there got to be so many lawyers in Toronto, you didn 't know who was who, and uh, when they brought computers in, well one of my daughters, becau-- I left the firm I was with and set up a partnership with uh, my elder daughter, and uh, when computers came in I decided that was when I would pack it up and she didn 't want me to retire, but I said "No that 's- I 've had enough." I just did consulting for a few years but I 'm out of it now completely.
Relatively near the end of a period of time; in the latter part of life, a career, etc.
And then latterly, ah, they, ah- they came back to Poland, eh? And so that particular area was more a- a bit of Polish a-- and German, and so, ah, that area was called Kashubi-- Kashubia, or- or Kartuzy, as it's called sometimes there. I visited there K-- in, ah, two-thousand-and-eight.
Relatively near the end of a period of time; in the latter part of life, a career, etc.