A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes.
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: Something that they'd throw the stumps onto, like- Speaker: Oh, well, a stoneboat, you could call it. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: No no, not to- not to um- not to work the land, just to ah, they threw the stumps on- on these things that- Speaker: Oh, oh! A stoneboat. Interviewer: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Speaker: Uh-huh. Yes, stone-boat. Well Dad had lots of them. We had lots of stone-boats. We had two or three of them there. We used to make it out of cedar (inc) you-know? And put boards on them and then put a team of horses and that, and we ah- well in the summertime we- for what we burnt, was pine-roots, you-know pine-nuggets. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Example | Meaning |
Speaker: On the flat. Yeah. Oh yes, that's what they picked the stones on, the stoneboat is what we called them. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Example | Meaning |
Speaker: Well, got your bag and have you go along with a wagon, and stone-boat, or-something, if they were big ones you couldn't get on the wagon you'd put them on the stone-boat and draw them to the fence or stone-wall. Small ones, you have to put them on the wagon. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Example | Meaning |
Speaker: Anything they could make, like on the line of a stoneboat, or hitch them to it. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Speaker: Eh? That was what they used for a stoneboat, or drawing water, or anything they were moving. Interviewer: They didn't call that a snowboat? Like, for on the snow, like a stoneboat on the snow? Speaker: It'd go all dandy on the snow, but um, you're thinking to the- what we call the flat-bottomed stoneboat. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Example | Meaning |
Speaker: Well, they made themselves- a flat thing- a plank and- and rolled the stones onto it. Interviewer: What did they call that? Speaker: Ah a stone-boat. Interviewer: Stone-boat. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: Mm-hm. Ah did you have on your farm um um, a kind of low platform on a couple of runners that you- Speaker: Oh yes, a stoneboat, we always called it, yeah. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Example | Meaning |
Speaker: Oh yeah, we used to have fun with horse- I used to- I used to have a horse that I rode, and uh, I could hitch up to the, what they called a stoneboat, which- have you heard of a stoneboat? |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Oh yeah, very much so. Very much so. Uh, oh he had some beautiful horses but uh, this one I had was a pretty- pretty old nag, but she sure was- she was great in the stoneboat, great to ride, she never balked at all, but he had some pretty uh- I guess he had six horses and uh, some of them were really- oh I 've forgotten the names uh, not the names of the uh- the type of an-- the breed. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Speaker: But I had what was called a stoneboat. Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: That you use the horse. And the stoneboat was a- a piece of steel perhaps twice as big as this table. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Example | Meaning |
That was the first time our family had a freezer and the box that it came in had wooden supports inside it and he put it up on a- a stoneboat which is like a little slay for taking stones off the field and built a little shed on the side of it and we decided that we were all going to sleep out in this- in this house. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Example | Meaning |
Speaker: Yeah. And ah, when he was seventeen, he took the team and the stoneboat and he went down across the river down here and out to where John-Jameson is now. That was my Uncle Ed Parcy's. <11> Yes. Speaker: He went out through there and down to where Fred-Stroud lived and they got the corner stone, and they loaded in on the stoneboat and he drew it up to Middleville when they built that church in Middleville. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Speaker 2: And how does the stoneboat work? I don't know anything about it. Speaker: The stoneboat is a ah, they took like about four pi-- logs, pine- we usually an elm, that- something good and strong like that and they would- and they would saw them out so it was like that, tipped up, and it would be four- four boards like that and they'd have a plank across and they'd- there'd be a hole through there and they hook the team on that and- and trail right flat on the ground 'cause they were trying- |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |
Example | Meaning |
You-know what. I'm going to take the stones off and so they would be a stone-boat, just a flat piece of um, like a float you-know? And ah this would go behind the horses and then you just put the stones there, take them to a fence, take them off and it's- it's all hard work. |
A flat-bottomed sled used for transporting or removing stones, and for other purposes. |