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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1890, OED Evaluation: Slang

An honest person: one who is not a criminal

And ah, that's when I realized that I was a drunk and a druggie, so I came back home and I moved back to Toronto where we bought a house with my brother and of course, Karen came to live with my brother. And Jessica would come around once-in-a-while you-know, and ah she still looked like a squarehead to me.
So we get there and we look at each other. And ah we said about three words to each other. She was a- she looked like a squarehead to me tha-- that- that- never left puberty. And she must have thought I was some retired, old- with my hair down, look like some person- gorilla you'd never bring back.
Speaker: And I got lots of help here. everybody's good to me and everybody in Liskeard's good to me. You can't say you got no enemies. I got no enemies but probably think some people because I'm in business think that I'm a- a square-head but there's nothing I can do about that. Interviewer: You've got to be a square-head in business, eh? Speaker: Yeah, but I don't think I am (laughs) a square-head you-know? I ah- Interviewer: (inc) you there- you said you were (laughs). Speaker: You-know I- I think I done the best of my ability in business to please people and the majority of them I'm sure I have. I think if you ask people they would say that.
So I got it, and all us Tollan boys have a distinctive walk and a kind-of distinctive for lack of a better word square head. So, I'm on the internet and I typed in Almonte, and boom this picture came up.