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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1841, OED Evaluation: N/A

Nervous excitement of an inexperienced hunter upon the approach of game

Speaker: They looked up there and up in the bush there was broken trees, there was bullet holes. They said, "What were you shooting at?" I said, "The moose!" They said, "You must have got buck fever." I put the gun up and just started shooting like this, I di-- I wasn't aiming it. I was just so nervous. Interviewer: (Laughs) Speaker: And you-know after that I said, "Aw, this is nuts."
Nervous excitement of an inexperienced hunter upon the approach of game
Interviewer 1: (Laughs) He took the jitters. Speaker: He took buck fever and it was close too (coughs). Interviewer 2: Now what's that, buck fever? Interviewer 1: Well he just got so jittery, he couldn't shoot (laughs). Speaker: (Laughs)
Nervous excitement of an inexperienced hunter upon the approach of game
Speaker: The next morning I got a bottle of Smarties and fixed them up, took them up and give them to him, they were buck fever. Interviewer: (Laughs)
Nervous excitement of an inexperienced hunter upon the approach of game