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Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


We went to Halifax twice but first year we were billeted, second year we got a classroom to stay in as a team.
To be lodged in a particular place. It’s usually in a civilian’s house. It usually refers to soldiers who are placed somewhere temporarily.
We went to play there and ah, I was billeted with this family. She had ah- her name was Miranda-Lame. And she was Finnish and she had spotted my name, you-know in the- in- in the um- in the billet list so ah- so she picked me to ah- to ah stay with them and so we became lifelong friends and she's passed away and her husband was also in the air-force and ah he was killed.
To be lodged in a particular place. It’s usually in a civilian’s house. It usually refers to soldiers who are placed somewhere temporarily.
And ah, as most- well, l-- most of the kids our age, the parents were- dad had been in the war. And he never spoke of it. Never. Um, other than- now, he kept in touch with family he had been billeted with.
To be lodged in a particular place. It’s usually in a civilian’s house. It usually refers to soldiers who are placed somewhere temporarily.