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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1608, OED Evaluation: N/A

A person who prepares and dispenses medicinal drugs

Yeah yeah. And- and so um- we um ah- then we had this friend. He used to be a druggist here before the war. And then he was in the navy and then- his name was Bicker-Logan and then he had a pharmacy over- he was a pharmacist here and then after the war, he got married and he had a pharmacy over in a- in a Valdore.
That was Chad-Grant. His brother Clyde, running a- he was a druggist in town. So when mother was shopping, he'd go up and talk to Clyde
Yeah, and we have part of that Kodac camera yet and Welsh-Sardin who was a druggist in Almonte, he used to borrow her camera and ah, a lot of the photographs on postcards were taken from, you-know, his use of that camera.
Except one. He was a- he was a druggist here in Beaverton. Went through for a druggist. And ah, well they were- yeah they were all in their- they were- some of them were a little older than I was.