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lawn social

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Interviewer: Would it- could you tell us about church picnics and- Speaker: Oh my yes, they used to have church picnics and church lawn socials and all sorts of entertainment like that. We used to have a lot of fun. Interviewer: Can you tell us about a lawn social? That's a new- Speaker: Well, they have ah set up the tables outside and- and it was just an ordinary social only it was all outside. Oh, they'd have some little games to entertain the people. I forget what all they did have then.
A social, mingling event held on a lawn, usually organized by a church.
You see when- ah we'd start in the spring every year and there'd be lawn socials. Maybe oh ah strawberry socials. And they'd serve you strawberries. And they'd have a ball-game. And then after that, there'd come- well it'd be just a lawn social or the ice-cream social. ... And then there'd be the church picnic.
A social, mingling event held on a lawn, usually organized by a church.