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Parf of speech: Expression, OED Year: 1908, OED Evaluation: U.S.

Fine, splendid, first-rate. colloq. (orig. U.S.). Freq. in phr. fine and dandy.

Certainly, if he 's gainfully employed and learning a trade, that 's fine and dandy with us,
Fine, splendid, first-rate.
So anyways, that was fine and dandy.
Fine, splendid, first-rate.
There 's a Second- Cup place there. Okay. That 's fine and dandy with me, as- I guess- I- it looks the Chinese people run it. I got nothing against the Chinese people eh?
Fine, splendid, first-rate.
Because every lesson is t-- pertaining to the Bible it's all fine-and-dandy, I believe in it, but not that much.
Fine, splendid, first-rate.
Well fine-and-dandy but you-know “get back to us when you can you-know I’m reading this book now.”
Fine, splendid, first-rate.
So, we had the due and everything else fine and dandy.
Fine, splendid, first-rate.
Okay. Fine-and-dandy. It's- it's kind-of difficult at seventeen years of age, you-know?
Fine, splendid, first-rate.
Ah we have ah an executive that they- they can join. Like not just join for the- the privileges you have for legion, which is- it's fine and dandy ah but I think if you're going to join legion you should part-- participate as a member and- and- and enjoy it.
Fine, splendid, first-rate.