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Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1910, OED Evaluation: Chiefly Canadian

To remove surface soil or other waste material

Speaker 1: ...but sort-of recycle them, and um, put new feed in and stuff-like-that, and she has to do that for all of the horses, and then Speaker 2: Muck out Speaker 1: Yeah, she has- cl-- yeah muck out and then she has to take out Interviewer: Muck out? Speaker 1: Yeah, just like take all the pooh.
removing waste
Speaker 1: ...and um, put new feed in and stuff-like-that, and she has to do that for all of the horses, and then Speaker 2: Muck out. Speaker 1: Yeah, she has- cl-- yeah muck out and then she has to take out Interviewer: Muck out? Speaker 1: Yeah, just like take all the pooh
removing waste
Speaker 1: Yeah that 's right it 's mucking. Yeah you 're right. Yeah you 're right. Speaker 2: Mucking? Yeah and you 're ma-- and you- you did that.
removing waste
Speaker: Mucking? Yeah and you 're ma-- and you- you did that. Interviewer: You were a mucker. Speaker: Yeah mucker and in summer-time bale hay and that 's tough work. Too bad some of the kids didn 't do it nowadays is a- they 'd know what work is.
removing waste
Interviewer: What 's that called? Mucking? (inc) Speaker 1: Ah I don 't know? A cleaning shit. Speaker 2: Yeah that 's right it 's mucking. Yeah you 're right. Yeah you 're right.
removing waste
He was a miner, a drift miner. And he had a bad habit after a blast. Instead of scaling before he started mucking, he'd walk in and try to get- get ready to- to drill where the guys mucking eh? And Gerard knew him and says "Andrew, you got a bad habit." And a loose fell on him. So- so- so then I called- I called my- the man I got working for me underground I called- he- and- and my leader was Gerard, another Gerard. And I said "Gerard, there's- go to the next level and see Gerard the shifter. Andrew got hit. Go give him a hand to get him out."
removing waste
I guess you stay away (inc), but they're there drilling away there with the pluggers there, just wet. And they always drill. Um they'll blast here and they'll muck out here. They'll muck out and the water will run there and they'll drill up here right? Like- like this? Like the sh-- shaft is- is twenty-four feet or thirty-feet wide? So fifteen feet h-- he-- blast this out, and muck this out and then they'll drill this side.
removing waste
And ah, today to be classified as miner, you can be- a scoop-tram operator, which is a mucker, you can be a driller, you can be a blaster, you can be a loader, uh, to load the roads, a pipe-fitter, ah, you can be all these things, but to me you're not- you're not a- a first-class miner, you're just- I had mentioned that earlier?
removing waste
And the miners consider themselves miners if they drill and blast and they- they muck. They take the muck out. And, ah- like ah geologists underground and engineers are- are not considered miners.
removing waste
Speaker: The most dangerous thing I've ever done in a mine. Taking down loose ground in front of us. Like when you drill and blast around, bush could be sixteen-feet wide. Ah, twelve to fourteen-feet high. And then you go and muck it out. Then there's loose ground above you. Interviewer: Oh my gosh. Speaker: And you have to get that down. Interviewer: How? Speaker: Well you muck it and then you rock bolt it. Y-- you muck and you rock bolt.
removing waste
The most dangerous thing I've ever done in a mine. Taking down loose ground in front of us. Like when you drill and blast around, bush could be sixteen-feet wide. Ah, twelve to fourteen-feet high. And then you go and muck it out. Then there's loose ground above you.
removing waste
Interviewer: Now you had mentioned earlier that ah your father's a miner. And ah do you um- do you remember any specific time when your father got injured or- ? Speaker: Way back when I was in grade-seven, and I'd be about ah- think I was about eleven or twelve-years-old, he- he was working on a mucking machine and he got crushed. And he spent about a year in Sunnybrook Hospital.
removing waste
But you go down and you usually go in- sit down have a cup of coffee or whatever you want. Then you go into wherever you're working and do whatever you're supposed to be doing. Whether you're drilling or mucking or on the moulder pulling...
removing waste
...the original roads were made through the swamps and-one-thing-another with ah, slush scrapers behind the horses and they m-- mucked it out and then they laid timbers down. They call it corduroy road and then they covered over with gravel.
removing waste