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Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1830, OED Evaluation: colloquial

To confound, nonplus; to flabbergast, puzzle.

Interviewer: ...we still manage pretty well with the two people on the on the cleaning end. Speaker: Yes, it is surprising. I wouldn’t just taking a look at it I was a bit floored at first. Interviewer: I guess that the thing it’s a very large house but it doesn’t have that many rooms when you get inside it.
So anyway I was getting so pissed after a while so I went back to the guy who was like, the serious drug-dealer at Earl-Haig at the time who was friends with us, which is awesome, and I was like, "Listen this is not cool. It 's like prom-night you-know. I have to be fucked. It 's not even cool." So- and he was messed by that time so he 's like, "Ah, sure whatever," and he gave me another one. So I took half of that. So now this is the equivalent of taking like three caps of E. And I took half of that. So I 'm wandering around and I think I stepped over onto the balcony like maybe half-an-hour later and it hit me like a double-barrel-shotgun to the face. Okay? It was like "Blam! Holy-fuck!" And I was floored after that.
Yeah, 'cause there were like fighter-jets flying over New-York-City, you-know, and that, it shows you just the scope of what happened. One of the things that floored me most was they made every flight all around the world land.
I started to question myself thinking, "How do you know? You- these people apparently were normal decent ever-- and all of a sudden they turned on their neighbour," which totally floored me, "and today sometimes-" Oh I believe it would be no different. We 're- we 're very complicated.