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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1554, OED Evaluation: NA

A dairy, a place for storing or selling milk.

It's part of the milkhouse there and we keep the feed in it.
A dairy, a place for storing or selling milk.
And then some people had a house outside too, and they called it the milkhouse. And it was made of stone and they used to keep their milk and butter and-stuff in there.
A place for storing or selling milk.
Speaker: Ah, in those- in those times, like, you were saying about my older brothers, they looked after milking the cows. But I was hauled in for to be the hauler of the milk from the- you-know, from the barn over to where we kept the milk in, ah- in the milkhouse. Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: And, of course, the milk had to be put into thirty gallon cans and, ah, again, ah, we had a- we had an icehouse, which was adjacent to the milkhouse, where a bit of ice would be thrown into the tubs where the cans were inserted into the water and, ah, of course, w-- well water was a big deal. Ah, so it was pumped from the, ah, wells by pipe down into the milkhouse and again it was just cold water from the well that was the- the main part- Interviewer: And- Speaker: Of cooling the milk. Interviewer: And where did the ice come from? Speaker: The ice was in- in the icehouse. It ca-- actually come out of McLaren's-Lake. In the wintertime it was brought home and because of the sawmill been so handy, ah, we used all kinds of sawdust to store, we had ice in September.
A dairy, a place for storing or selling milk.