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May two-four

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A

Victoria Day weekend; May Long Weekend

I'm just thinking of- of like, our radio stations that- that ah, outline all their programming in- in- in like six packs and two-fours and I'm wondering how common a two-four- or like May-two-four-weekend that's sort-of is a- language is like down south.
Victoria Day weekend; May Long Weekend
We used to call it just running to the beer-store before it closes. Interviewer: Right (laughs). Speaker: And before the line up is there. But yeah, May-Two-Four? I'm like "Why?" Um but yeah there's definitely different things we're- like-I-said we're just more laid back here.
Victoria Day weekend; May Long Weekend
Um um North-Bay, I know quite a p-- few people from North-Bay and I haven't noticed a different language that much um. Interviewer: What about slang, though? Speaker: Slang? Interviewer: (inc) Speaker: Yes, that whole thing- that May Run, May-Two-Four thing seems to start at- past North-Bay. Interviewer: It's the border? Speaker: Mm-hm hits- it's the border. Um and Sudbury is just a bigger Timmins.
Victoria Day weekend; May Long Weekend
Sh-- it was always "el-ees" (laughs). As far as she was concerned, you-know. She was an English lady, and she said, "I cannot say it." And I thought, "But it's not hard to say." But they just have that you-know. But um yeah, I guess ah b-- but that May-Two-Four, that kills me. I've never (laughs) never heard that before. Not at all. And that- that's something different, too.
Victoria Day weekend; May Long Weekend
We kind-of like just- like we kind-of separated whatever when um last May two-four weekend so (laughs)- yeah, ah, long story but um- Yeah that- no wait, i-- I graduated grade-twelve. We lived in the same house up until I graduated grade twelve. Then he stayed with my grandparents and I moved in with my dad.
Victoria Day weekend; May Long Weekend
And then of course, we're from the north so I went to their northern forums and then they have these- this big celebration at the end of the year in May on the May two-four weekend called um Les-Jeux. So like, the games. So basically, there are different things you can go into. So there was like s-- ah sports. What's the right- like a workshop, I guess?
Victoria Day weekend; May Long Weekend