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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1350, OED Evaluation: N/A

A workman whose business it is to saw timber, esp. in a saw-pit.

Interviewer: He said he became a very proficient sawyer. Speaker: Ah, that's what they call somebody that runs a sawmill. Guy that runs the the carriage they call it on the sawmill, eh? They call him the sawyer.
A workman whose business it is to saw timber.
A sawyer would know how to do that- or how to read that scale.
A workman whose business it is to saw timber.
And that's a sawyer's rule. For measuring logs in a pile.
A workman whose business it is to saw timber.
The thirty businesses- there was postmaster, merchant, contractor, carpenter, carding-mill, boat and shoe-maker, asher, I have carding- flour-- flour-miller, sawyer, hotel-keeper, blacksmith, tailor, undertaker, tanner, and courier, and commissioner for taking oaths, a milliner, a cabinet-maker, farmer and shingle-operator.
A workman whose business it is to saw timber.
Well, same as having a sawyer's, and the- the- the corn-cutters-
A workman whose business it is to saw timber.
Speaker: They'd either come on a chain and go to the sawyer, or there'd be a trolley come down and you load five or six logs and you pull it up. And the sawyer cut them, and then you- you got the lumber there.
A workman whose business it is to saw timber.