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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1565, OED Evaluation: Chiefly U.S.

An ignorant countryman; a silly fellow, booby.

He 's in Peterborough now and Peterborough is filled with, for lack of a better word, the hicks or whatever. Okay and um so they had friend over and they were actually really nice, they were nice, but then I noticed that she would say certain things like, "I got no" or she actually said to her boyfriend it was something like, "Watch your mouth or I 'll box your face in" and I was like "Woah! Were did that come from?"
Person who lives in the country. Regarded as unintelligent.
They called anybody that- that lived out of- they can't do it now- but in- in our day when we went we were called hicks always. They didn't- they you-know they had their own cliques and associated and of course we were just one or two people because we were outsiders.
Person who lives in the country. Regarded as unintelligent.
And I don't know if it's because they're like ignorant to learning, or- they're just so stupid, they can't learn, I-don't-know. You-know, like I hate to be hard on them but, the- a lot of hicks around here and a lot of just like low-life people that just follow I-guess in the footsteps of what they came from, you-know?
Person who lives in the country. Regarded as unintelligent.
She says "You boys getting along pretty good eh? Making your way around pretty good." "Oh yeah." I says. We take the streetcar down and ah you-know. But we saw guys leaving would get a piece of paper. We looked (laughs) what's the paper for? You-know like two hicks?
Person who lives in the country. Regarded as unintelligent.
Speaker: We do- there are some people in the North who can do it right? And your one of them, you're a Northern-girl like. Interviewer: Well. Speaker: (laughs) Because people think of Northern-people as hicks, they really do.
Person who lives in the country. Regarded as unintelligent.
Speaker: Cause we're- e-- everyone in Temiski-- Temiskaming district like New-Liskeard, T-D-S-S, ah, us, ah, we're seen as a hick town. Interviewer: Mm. Speaker: We're seen as the hicks compared to the North-Bay kids. Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: So when they come in, they're like "Okay. Well these are like the- these are like the- the- no-teeth hicks."
Person who lives in the country. Regarded as unintelligent.
Um, I- maybe a little bit. I'd like to say w-- like "hick" if that makes sense (laughs). Like just um, some of the things that we say just may be a little different. I don't- I don't know if I can think of anything but I don't really notice a d-- (inc) I don't really notice a difference actually now that...
Person who lives in the country. Regarded as unintelligent.