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fowl supper

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Speaker: We used to have our homecoming in May. We used to have the lob-ball in the fall. Then we used to have New-Year's and Christmas down here- Christmas and New-Years down here. Interviewer: (inc) Speaker: Used to hav-- yup, Strawberry-Suppers, Fowl-Suppers and they're still on, but there's a lot of things that we don't do anymore.
A harvest meal, usually held by church or other religion, where poultry is served as a main course.
... and then the Anglican-Church they have a- a fowl-supper which is turkey and all the trimmings and the- you'll have to get Doug to bring you up here these times you-know!
A harvest meal, usually held by church or other religion, where poultry is served as a main course.