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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1657, OED Evaluation: NA

One who attends to a furnace or the fire of a steam-engine.

Well, he was married and working on the railroad, he might've helped his father, Uncle-Bradley before that, but when he got married, he lived in Lindsey for two years, do you remember that year or two years? was a fireman, you may have heard him say, on the old grand-trunk.
One who attends to a furnace or the fire of a steam-engine.
Interviewer: Well would he be the um- the engineer? Speaker: Or the fireman, or the breakman, or the conductor.
One who attends to a furnace or the fire of a steam-engine.
My dad farmed over there and he was- when the first war was on, he was a fireman on the steam-engines for four winters and then he'd take off in the summer and farm and then he'd go back on the rail-road in the winter-time.
One who attends to a furnace or the fire of a steam-engine.
So my father worked when he was first first married, worked on the railway for, ah- I'm not sure what he di-- he was a fireman. Yeah. That's right. Because when he- because he had done that when he was overseas. That's what h-- when he was in the army he was a fireman on the trains taking munitions and-so-on in.
One who attends to a furnace or the fire of a steam-engine.
You-know, the engineer and- and fireman and conductors and-that-kind-of-stuff, but ah-
One who attends to a furnace or the fire of a steam-engine.
Speaker: I really didn't know what I was going to do, I was going to go back and do grade-thirteen and I didn't because my uncle phoned and they were hiring firemen- Interviewer: Oh. Speaker: On the railroad and I hadn't even thought about it but anyway that's where I ended up for five-and-a-half years, fireman on the railway.
One who attends to a furnace or the fire of a steam-engine.
Interviewer: As a firefighter, you were- Speaker: Firemen. Yeah, we're not- firemen as in ma-- Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: Firing the locomotives, not a firefighter. Interviewer: No, no no. Speaker: No. Interviewer: Fire- sorry, firemen. Speaker: Right (laughs). Interviewer: Not a firefighter. Speaker: Now they use the term for firefighters. Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer: No, you were a fireman.
One who attends to a furnace or the fire of a steam-engine.
That didn't last very long. And then he ah- became a blacksmith, and from there he became a fireman, and then he- he eventually became a- what they call a third-class station engineer.
One who attends to a furnace or the fire of a steam-engine.
And then- he worked in them- they had a mill down here. And ah- they- they had some- he was the fireman there for a while, and then became an engineer.
One who attends to a furnace or the fire of a steam-engine.