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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1747, OED Evaluation: N/A

A step-like working in the side of a pit.

Interviewer: Like what kind of jobs? Speaker: Lots of different jobs, they could do working in the shaft and ah dangerous stopes and s-- so-on.
A step-like working in the side of a pit.
As- and it's the same thing when you go over the ah, bi-pass now. Kirkland-Land-Gold, there's all that volume basically. Kind-of and I don't know if this is true is coming out of the stopes and the shafts and the cages ah, not the cages, ah the um, the workings from underground. So all that stuff you see above ground is come from below ground.
A step-like working in the side of a pit.
And ah, well you ha-- I-mean the whole town was built on mines. I-mean nothing but tunnels and stopes (laughs) and-everything under there eh?
A step-like working in the side of a pit.