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Parf of speech: Adverb, OED Year: 1450, OED Evaluation: N/A

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Interviewer: I always find that- I'm not from Toronto I'm from B-C, and if this weather were already there in B-C, it would be there to stay, but kind-of have to expect the worst here, don't you? Speaker: Whereabouts in B-C you come from? Interviewer: Vancouver-Island. Speaker: Oh okay, 'cause my friend's sister's down from Vancouver Interviewer: Oh okay.
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Interviewer: And does your Dad still live in Orillia? Speaker: He lives outside Orillia now, he's remarried and he has two kids um... whereabouts? Literally just outside Barrie.
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Speaker: So whereabouts do you live in Victoria? Interviewer: In Nanaimo actually; it's North of Victoria. Speaker: Oh Nanaimo? Yeah, I know Nanaimo. It's awesome.
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... I see her on the path and I'm like "Susy!", that's her- that was her name. And I'm like "Susy!." She's like "Hey!." I'm like "So whereabouts in College do you live?" And she's like "Oh I live on Clinton." I'm like "No way, I live on Bathurst. I used to go to Harbord Collegiate." And she's like "Oh wow, well maybe I'll see you around some time."
About where? in or near what place, part, situation, or position?
Interviewer: ... about that Queen-Street area, have you been to Jeff-Healey's club? Speaker: No, I keep hearing about it- Interviewer: yeah Speaker: I love Jeff-Healey. I love his music. Interviewer: He plays there every Thursday. So you- no matter what, you can see him. Speaker: Now that's what people say. Yeah, whereabouts is he on Queen-West? Interviewer: He's right at Queen-and-Bathurst. Speaker: Right at Queen-and-Bathurst. Interviewer: Yeah, it's the- Speaker: 'Cause I know where the Black-Bull is. That's a couple over. Interviewer: Southwest corner.
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Interviewer: It's a week and they go crazy. They just go drunk for a week. Speaker: Yeah. Speaker 2: That's cool. Speaker: It's carnival. Interviewer: Yeah. It's- it's like- yeah, it's like Mardi-Gras but German dress-up. Speaker: Yeah. Whereabouts in Germany? Interviewer: My dad's from Ulm. Speaker: Where 's that? Interviewer: South-central-Germany.
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And ah one of the members of the band was going out with a girl and ah so we got talking and ah I said, "Oh, are you from Toronto?" She said, "Yeah. I live in Toronto." I said "Well, whereabouts do you live?" And she said, "Oh, the High-Park area." And I said "Oh, I used to live in the High-Park area." And I said, "What street did you live on?" She says, "Quebec. You know where Quebec-Avenue is?"
About where? in or near what place, part, situation, or position?
Speaker: Are you living in Toronto? Interviewer: Yup. Speaker: Yeah do you like? Whereabouts? Interviewer: Um close to where you used to live in East-York. Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer: Ah Saint-Clair and O'Conner. Speaker: Oh yeah I know where that is. Used to be a race-track up there. Interviewer: Not in my time.
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Interviewer: 'Cause I've only been back ten years. I've been, I was in England before then. Speaker: Is that right? Whereabouts? Interviewer: York. Speaker: Okay. My family's from Scotland. Interviewer: Whereabouts in Scotland? Speaker: Lilliesleaf. And Glasgow.
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... a number of farmers from the south who are being ah, we had a f-- family move up about twenty-five, thirty years ago, they were in Peel County, not sure whereabouts. Anyway, (coughs), their farm was bought for a railway, (inc), or an airport, or a subdivision and so they sell for down there for millions, and they come up here.
About where? in or near what place, part, situation, or position?
Interviewer: Bryce? Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer: That's my husband's name. Speaker: Oh. Speaker 2: His first name? Interviewer: Last name. Speaker 2: Oh. Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: Where- whereabouts from him? Interviewer: Belleville. Speaker: Belleville. Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: Well of course there's your- well your loyalists came to Belleville. Interviewer: Yeah, that's right. Speaker: These were- these were- these Bryce's were loyal.
About where? in or near what place, part, situation, or position?
Speaker: He was known all over the world, that guy. Interviewer: Why's that? Speaker: Gas-Grease-and-Gab. Interviewer: (Laughs) Speaker 2: Yeah. Speaker: Americans, you could go to the States and you pull in down there and they'd ask you 'cause they seen your license plate whereabouts you- where from Ontario. They'd want to know if you knew Sam-Parsons eh? Interviewer: (Laughs)
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sInterviewer: Um, I lived ah in Canarvan and (inc) areas between the ages of two and eight. Speaker: Whereabouts i-- o-- okay which k-- Interviewer: Both sets of grandparents lived up in Canarvan area.
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Yeah, so we rolled out enough money there to choke a horse, the nut paid us off pretty good. So when we left there to go to this- the next guy, so I just curiously said to the guy, "Whereabouts do you live from here?" And he puts his hand out to the west, "Five miles." Shouldn't take long to go five miles, you wouldn't think.
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Speaker: Whereabouts do you guys live? Interviewer: I live on Pike-Lake on- on, um- used- Casey-P-- Potter used to live there. Speaker: Yeah, I'm not familiar with it.
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Speaker 2: It's still there except there's about six cases of- ah floated to the surface- cheese. And it's just the only thing they salvaged. But down the bottom of the lake is whatever else was on that barge at the time. Speaker: And whereabouts did it offset? Speaker 2: It- yeah, it offset. It's just r-- ah- just around the (inc)- Speaker: But closer- Speaker 2: I'm sorry? Speaker: In the- up- up in the bay? Speaker 2: In the bay, yeah. And a fairly deep part of the lake.
About where? in or near what place, part, situation, or position?
Interviewer: Where were they when they were touring around? Speaker: In Virginia. Interviewer: Oh, they were in Virginia sorry. Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer: Keeping it straight. (laughs) Speaker: Yeah. I don't know whereabouts ah but ah- yeah so she- she worked for some pretty prominent people. Interviewer: That's neat!
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Interviewer: My grandparents live on Lake-Huron. Speaker: Yeah, whereabouts do they live? Interviewer: Sarnia.
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