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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1928, OED Evaluation: N/A

A soaking pit.

Interviewer: Oh! 'Kay, let's say you're walking to school, right? And there's like a puddle but it's got some ice overtop of it and you think the ice can support you but you walk over it but you're foot goes right through and your foot sinks right into the water. You would say- Speaker: "I got a soaker."
When someone steps in a puddle.
Interviewer: Um okay 'cause my generation would say we got a soaker. That was- that was what we said. Speaker: Yeah. I hear my son say that too. Yeah. Interviewer: Yeah and even- Speaker: A soaker.
When someone steps in a puddle.
Speaker: What would I have got? A wet foot. Soaked. Interviewer: Soaked? 'Cause my generation, I know older generations as well, soaker was ah- was a- was a common term for that. Speaker: Yeah, if you got- Interviewer: Say I got a- "I've got a soaker." Speaker: Yeah. Interviewer: Do your generation have that? Speaker: What? Using the word soaker? Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: Well you- you said you got soaked.
When someone steps in a puddle.
Interviewer: Another one too there is, um- let's say that you were walking around town and you didn't see a puddle there and you accidentally stepped right into the puddle and- and- and water just completely seeped through your sock and your- your shoe and- and got your foot all wet, what would you say you got? Speaker: Oh, that one I know, the soaker.
When someone steps in a puddle.
Interviewer: Um okay so then what about this with- I- I know for sure, you'll know this one, but like you-know, let's say you'd be ah, in the school ground ah during recess and you accidentally stepped into a puddle and water just like seeped through your sock and shoe, you would say-? Speaker: I've got a soaker.
When someone steps in a puddle.
I think there probably could be because like, you're not familiar with the way- well again with the social networking, that's still true, but with the local slang like, someone in Iroquois-Falls could've made up, instead of 'soaker' it could have been something else, and then that could've spread out throughout the community, but half-way through it could've stopped and it turned into a 'soaker', again when it reach T-- near Timmins, 'cause like- just 'cause of the- since they're close it doesn't mean...
When someone steps in a puddle.
Interviewer: Okay, and another thing that's common here in Timmins too is if- if someone um, you know accidentally steps in a puddle and- and a lot of water gets into their sock and shoe and-stuff, what do you call that up here? Speaker: Well, we would call that a soaker.
When someone steps in a puddle.
Speaker: I got a soaker or soaked. Yeah, yeah. Interviewer: A soaker, right? Soaker is a- is a Northern-Ontario word as well, so- Speaker: Really? (laughs) I never- I had- Interviewer: They don't have that down south. Speaker: I had no idea, really. Interviewer: There's- there's a few- few words that (inc)- Speaker: That's strange. I- I never would have thought. I-mean, you soaked your foot, you got a soaker it's- you-know?
When someone steps in a puddle.
Interviewer: Ah you're walking to school one day, you-know there's maybe a puddle with a thin layer of ice on top of it. You step on it, you go through and you- your foot like look you got a- Speaker: Soaker.
When someone steps in a puddle.