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junior matriculation

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Well I went on and got my first class certificate. A lot of them at that time are just getting your second class. And I went ah another two years. It was then ah and got my first class and I took the matric as well as the teacher's. And so ah I- I took everything they asks me to take because I thought someday I might want this and I might want that and I didn't know just what I was going to do altogether and so I took ah junior and senior matric and junior and senior teacher's- normal so-
The completion of a four-year non-university-stream high school program (which would go up only to Grade 12, as opposed to a university-stream program, which would go up to Grade 13).
I attended Queen-Victoria-School. And I- and I to-- and then ah Queen-Victoria-High-School was above Queen-Victoria's- ah Public-School, at that time, and then I went to Queen-Victoria-High-School and then I went ah- I got my ah- ah matric and ah- and seni-- ah junior and senior matric and-so-on there and then ah I went to faculty in Toronto and came back and started to Queen-Victoria-School to teach.
The completion of a four-year non-university-stream high school program (which would go up only to Grade 12, as opposed to a university-stream program, which would go up to Grade 13).
About that time, um wh-- see, what ah- yeah, I ah- I was old enough- ah, I was- oh, in fact, I- I quit- I was finished with school, Runnymede-Collegiate. I had my junior matriculation and that's all that you went to- the only time you went and took grade-thirteen or senior matric is if you were going to university. And out of the class that I was in, at Runnymede, there would be about twenty of us and only two went to university.
The completion of a four-year non-university-stream high school program (which would go up only to Grade 12, as opposed to a university-stream program, which would go up to Grade 13).
Speaker: And out of the class that I was in, at Runnymede, there would be about twenty of us and only two went to univesity. Very few people went to university. Interviewer: And very few girls, right? Speaker: Well yeah. Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: And ah so it was strictly- junior matric was it. And you needed junior matric to get a decent job, but senior matric, as I say, the only people that ever got one were those who're planning to go on to university.
The completion of a four-year non-university-stream high school program (which would go up only to Grade 12, as opposed to a university-stream program, which would go up to Grade 13).