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Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1884, OED Evaluation: N/A

To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).

And there was four or five of us because Eric was with his- at- along that time and there was Mick-Matthews and ah, Marissa and Earl-Willard and Jansen and Brent and Jimmy and Filmore was just a bit of a kid, ah Williams and um, there was the Sword-kids, they didn't so much chum with us.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
My mom and dad chummed with them but as soon as we were old enough to their kids, I think both sides stopped seeing each other.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
Huh, I met her, actually one of my friends was ah- that I chummed around with in Fenelon, ah, was going out with her at the time and I come up here and ah I started going out with her older sister Dana.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
Um yeah there wasn't ah um we didn't really chum together when we were young.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
That's how Maggie- I-mean she- her and Amanda used to chum together all the time and they u-- another thing they used to do volley-ball but I know that they done- ah ah she- she took a lot of- there was ah- an experienced woman that ah done sewing-
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
I chummed with basically the same four girls all through high-school and they're- they're still my friends.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
The ones I- the ones I chummed with did anyway.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
Yeah oh- I didn't chum with her or anything 'cause she- she ah had originally gone to another school and- and-that.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
Ah, ah yeah, he lived beside ah, he was down beside a small apartment building down there. And we had a- a friend of ours that we chummed with, happened to live next door.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
Half of our- the people we chummed around- nobody had vehicles that- my dad did have a vehicle just shortly after he was married, and then, when that broke down, he never bothered to- to ever buy another one, eh?
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
And I think most of my friends, I think three-quarters of the girls I chummed around with were Finn.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
I-- in- in the class, and we- and we all ch-- we all chummed around together.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
Gang that- we chummed around together. We all- we all played sports together.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
Not the gangs that I turned out with- ch-- chummed out with.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
I ch-- there was one French fellow there I chummed around with him t-- quite a while but he passed away too
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
I used to chum around with the guy with the hot rod.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
So we chummed around a lot.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
And the Eltons were- ah was their daughter that my mom was- chummed around with.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
Him and I used to chum together all the time.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).
And I missed him because I was in Peterborough and I- I couldn't chum with him because he was in Port-Hope.
To become intimate, be on friendly terms with (someone).