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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1805, OED Evaluation: N. Amer.

A fence made of roughly split rails or poles laid in a zigzag fashion; a worm or zigzag fence; = snake rail fence

Speaker: The old, old fences there, they're done. Interviewer: Mm-hm. What- what kinds did they have? Speaker: Well ah they had- some on split them up and made rails. Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker 2: We made zig-zag. Speaker: And ah made these snake-fences. Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: And those rails today that we couldn't get anything for, are two dollars a piece. The people's buying them around these new places you-know, and-
A fence made of roughly split rails or poles laid in a zigzag fashion; a worm or zigzag fence; = snake rail fence
Interviewer: That had as-- um sharp spiky pieces, what did you call that? Speaker: They had the- they had the- the shed fence, and they had the crab fence, and they had the snake fence. Now the snake fence was done with the rails go- well, you-see they'd- they'd go this way and then the next fence would go that way and then come this way, you-see? Interviewer: Zig-zag. Speaker: Yeah, zig-zag. Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: That's what they called a snake fence.
A fence made of roughly split rails or poles laid in a zigzag fashion; a worm or zigzag fence; = snake rail fence
Speaker: ... any place where there were a lot of rocks that they had in the fields that they had to uh, to tear off the rocks they put up stone fences and then from- from that they went to uh- to the log fences which some of them were called snake fences and uh- Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: Some were just straight logs and some were uh, other varieties. There are names for them but uh- Interviewer: Mm-hm and then later on they used to put uh, the posts in the ground.Speaker: That's right.
A fence made of roughly split rails or poles laid in a zigzag fashion; a worm or zigzag fence; = snake rail fence