Satisfying only one's immediate needs, esp. because of lack of money; involving or based on the immediate consumption or disposal of goods as soon as they are obtained, and unable to provide for the future.
Example | Meaning |
Both ah for food and- and ah clothing and- and-so-on and so there was a lot of cooperation like there is today ah it's um- there were food-lines all- quite a few food-lines, there were a lot of people on relief that literally had to- nothing that- lived- lived from hand-to-mouth and they needed these places and ah luckily ah we- we were able to scrape through and- and ah as a family and-so-on and- but there was a lot of families that didn't have that support. |
Satisfying only one's immediate needs, esp. because of lack of money; involving or based on the immediate consumption or disposal of goods as soon as they are obtained, and unable to provide for the future. |
Example | Meaning |
There's still that are some here from the early years but people have added on or buffed them up and it looks much better than it did one time because ah, you-know again the old mining town and you'd have families of ten, twelve, fourteen living in a small house. (Laughs) Hand-to-mouth existing in those days, eh? Interviewer: Yeah exactly. Speaker: Yeah. You can go straight down. I don't know if you remember the old swimming pool down here or not. |
Satisfying only one's immediate needs, esp. because of lack of money; involving or based on the immediate consumption or disposal of goods as soon as they are obtained, and unable to provide for the future. |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: You had lost your husband I-think at that point. Speaker: Yes I had. Yes. Mm-hm. Yeah. That was when I was doing my own thing, yep. Interviewer 1: That must have been difficult. Speaker: Yes it was. Because you-know when we were at the Billiard farm, you never got great wages, or you just got hand-to-mouth sort-of-thing, to keep going. And ah, it was just when ah, I-guess it was when they started the um, what do you call the family allowance that they got every month? |
Satisfying only one's immediate needs, esp. because of lack of money; involving or based on the immediate consumption or disposal of goods as soon as they are obtained, and unable to provide for the future. |