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Dance Card

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1895, OED Evaluation: N/A

a card bearing the names of (a woman's) prospective partners at a dance.

Speaker: I- I came across- I don't know where I put it. I came across my dance card when I wrote about it in here at the school dances. Interviewer: What's a dance card. Tell us abut that. What- what is that? Speaker: Oh you had a dance card. These dances that- in the high-school- Interviewer: Yeah yeah. Speaker: And ah- and there w-- I don't know where I put that thing. There were twelve dances. Yeah, I think there was twelve or sixteen different ones. They were numbered and- and if you wanted to dance with me, then you put your name-
a card bearing the names of (a woman's) prospective partners at a dance.