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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1881, OED Evaluation: NA

The material resulting from the process of preserving green fodder in a silo or pit, without having previously dried it.

It was another little machine, not nearly as big as the tractor, but he went from farm to farm and they cut the corn – they didn’t cut the corn, the corn was cut in the fields and then people it in on the wagons and it was put onto this machine and it chopped it up into ensilage.
The material resulting from the process of preserving green fodder in a silo or pit, without having previously dried it.
Well that's where the ensilage went from the corn and then we had what we called a storage bin next to that and well, how big would it be squared off maybe like so and filled with sand and that's where you put the carrots in the winter and you hung the cabbages.
The material resulting from the process of preserving green fodder in a silo or pit, without having previously dried it.