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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1701, OED Evaluation: Colloquial or regional. Chiefly U.S.

Down the street; in, into, or towards the lower part of a town, etc.

And this is what ah the way she looked, you-know-what-I-mean? Cripes, you'd meet her down street and she'd be a- she'd have a long hou-- she'd have a house coat on and all paint and fastened up and her face would be all paint and she'd never even bother washing before she came
Speaker 1: But that's they had the Holloway-Street Church and Bridge-Street Church. Speaker 2: And the little one down street.
I played shortstop. The final game was against Galt and Guelph. In those early times, they used to close- close the town up for the baseball, ever played baseball, everything closed down street, stores and everything else to go to the ball game.
But anymore that doesn't necessarily the- I-mean it- it still exists and hopefully we've instilled it in- in our kids, but there's a lot out there that don't or haven't and ah you-know the- you just go down street and some of the things that you- you see how- how people dress and how they talk out in- I-mean cursing and...
But you- you do hear that a lot. Ah one thing I used to hear is- like this is old Belleville people, and I- I'm not really old Belleville 'cause I just grew up here but people who- you-know generations you-know- I see my wife's here cleaning off the walk, that's nice. Um, what was I gonna say, oh down street. If they're gonna go downtown they say, "I'm gonna go down street."