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Frigging or fricking

Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1560, OED Evaluation: NA

used as a coarse expletive.

They're probably not even typing, they're probably playing like frigging black jack.
used as a coarse expletive.
Oh. I-don-t-know. I kind-of figured it could start out as an Ellersley party and Id see how many frigging kids actually live on Ellersley.
used as a coarse expletive.
'Cause I- I want to have kids and stuff I want to pass on my seed. But ah you-know fricking- if Im going to marry a woman shes going to be the opposite of my sister Emily.
used as a coarse expletive.
I will bite you in your sleep." You-know have like fricking you- know jazz beat poetry going on.
used as a coarse expletive.
Speaker: Okay I actually-Kay I went up to the place with my Mom and I couldnt park. Couldnt park period. Like there was nothing to it. My Mom tried to give me a crash course in it- tried to teach me how to frigging park the car. Interviewer: Like back it into the slot? Speaker: I couldnt do it. I coudlnt park- I couldnt park the frigging car. I mean I could-.
used as a coarse expletive.
Shes like "Parallel park right here." In the middle of the frigging traffic.
used as a coarse expletive.
Why is there always a shooting and someone always dies at Carabana? Every frigging year?
used as a coarse expletive.
Yo mother-fucker dish me out you-know "give me the friggin' cigarettes" or whatever.
used as a coarse expletive.
Well maybe thats an option because the hotels rooms there are so frigging expensive.
used as a coarse expletive.
I dont need to own the frigging house.
used as a coarse expletive.
And I frigging stole the show. But I didn't steal the show at all.
used as a coarse expletive.
They- they were frigging team They were the frigging fans that should have been on the team almost.
used as a coarse expletive.
Through the tent. And anything that isn't even scary, it was a nightmare though. Like- like dragonflies or frigging bugs, scare- scared me to death somehow.
used as a coarse expletive.
With frigging the stuff like outside the beaver dam I fell over and I stuck my arm in it and it went all the way down past my shoulder, like my head was like frigging almost in and I had to rip my arm out somehow.
used as a coarse expletive.
And we were losing off the start which is like scary kind-of, but frigging play-by-play here.
used as a coarse expletive.
But like we went to the Montreal, then we went to frigging Saint-Catherine's for the OFSAA.
used as a coarse expletive.
So way we go running back like that was big thing. Yeah. Watching it frigging burn. It was really sad though.
used as a coarse expletive.
And her son couldn't do it all-- couldn't board the friggin' window up by himself so I-- I just stayed and help them board up the window.
used as a coarse expletive.
And it sucked and everything, but we drank there and got pissed or whatever. And then we were so fricking hun-- like, hungry, and we were like, "Do we wait to get foodtil we're done at Honest-Lawyer?"Cause it was early, it was only, like, eleven-thirty.
used as a coarse expletive.
Yeah. Um there's- even on the Food-Network they have frigging crazy people.
used as a coarse expletive.