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Shoot the shit

Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1947, OED Evaluation: Originally U.S.

(chiefly of a group of people) to talk in an informal manner; to gossip or banter.

And they were astounded that out of these twenty question, I got nineteen of them right, and I totally chalk it up to the fact that, Adrian comes home and we talk you-know, it 's just- we don 't shoot the shit, for lack of a better word, we talk and you-know it 's just- we don 't sit here eating dinner watching the news, you-know we sit at the table, and we talk, you-know I feel it 's very important to eat meals with families...
Tell crazy stories (sometimes fake stories)
Some of them are cool. They 'll let you pick their brains and shoot the shit with you. Most of them are like- if you don 't position the lights right. You put it- the wrong gel on the light they 'll be like "This is a fucking quarter-density light I expect- I except to have fucking density light. I can 't work under these conditions!" They 'll throw their shit down on the ground and have a little hissy-fit.
Tell crazy stories (sometimes fake stories)
Oh we probably just gather at- one of our- one of my aunts' house usually one of my aunts on my street and yeah we just exchange gifts, have a big sit-down dinner, or lunch whatever you wanna call it and that 's pretty much it just shoot the shit and- and eat as much as you can. Yeah it 's good times though, good times.
Tell crazy stories (sometimes fake stories)
Whatever the- the big songs were and eat french-fries and shoot the shit and flirt with the girls and-all-that-stuff…
Tell crazy stories (sometimes fake stories)
Interviewer: Do you sing songs around the fire? Are there like specific camp fire songs that you do or no? Speaker: No, no I don't do that. No, not at all, but we have campfires and shoot the shit.
Tell crazy stories (sometimes fake stories)
Speaker: Shoot the shit is a general word for just- Interviewer: Oh. Speaker: Socializing and um, talking about what did you do today- what- you-know, it's like, "Oh guess what happened", you-know,
Tell crazy stories (sometimes fake stories)
Interviewer: Is it shoot-the-ship or shoot the shit? Speaker: Shit. Interviewer: Oh the shit? Okay (laughs). Speaker: Shoot the shit (laughs). Interviewer: (Laughs) That makes a lot more sense.
Tell crazy stories (sometimes fake stories)