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Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


... we had one friend- the guy that we were with is gay and he has AIDS so he has one of these um, licenses to smoke pot or whatever and he was in the beer tent having a beer and smoking a joint and some guys were like, so hammered and started picking on him because he's very openly gay and started picking on him and were bugging him for smoking pot and all this stuff ...
Plastered; extremely drunk.
Interviewer: That was the whole argument, that no-one was spending money when the- New-Groove was playing ... They'd just buy a beer and sip it and listen all night. Whereas Mike brings out people who Speaker: Get hammered and Interviewer: Yeah. "Yeah Stevie- Wonder!" "I love that song!" Yeah so, which is probably true. ... You- you-know people like get all excited 'cause they play Outkast you-know so?
Plastered; extremely drunk.
Interview: What was it like sleeping in a classroom with ah thirteen other guys and two coaches? Speaker: It was funny. Watching our coaches come back late nights, not super-hammered or-anything but drunk nonetheless. Ah ah them being mad at us 'cause we were still awake.
Plastered; extremely drunk.
All along there was like little beach parties. Little fire locations. Cops always come and bust it though, by eleven (laughs) when you're hammered and (inc). You do stupid things when you are young right? Well it was fun you-know didn't get hurt or anything.
Plastered; extremely drunk.
... he's like my favourite manager. Ever since that night anyway. 'Cause he was so drunk all the time and he would always tell me that I would be on like garbages and I would see nothing but emptying garbages and-whatever at work if I didn't get really hammered that night and-stuff-like-that. Like he was a really bad influence. And I was with my mom and I was drunk so much but she was too so.
Plastered; extremely drunk.
... we usually ah at night we either go over fishing at the bridge or we just have a fire, drink beer. Usually my step- well there was one time my mom had to walk me and my step-dad to bed (laughs). ... Oh we were hammered, like my step-dad he has this- he has th-- we call it the Moses-stick 'cause he uses it to stand when he's really drunk around the fire (laughs) 'cause he's like swaying ...
Plastered; extremely drunk.
... Max ah Max-Hemmings fucking on the ah- there's like this, you-know, merry-go-round thing? ... He's on there, he's fucking juiced. I'm like "That's the wrong place to lay if you're juiced-" ... Like a whole bunch of people were fucking hammered. Fuck- a lot of the- a lot of the n-- like people that I wouldn't expect to be hammered like nerds and shit were like all hammed and shit. And I'm like "Aw."
Plastered; extremely drunk.
Interviewer: And the cops stayed in the cafe was because Dawson. Speaker: They brought him into another room I think and sat down. Like, were talking to him about it and-st-- Interviewer: He was drunk right? ... Speaker: Oh he was hammered.
Plastered; extremely drunk.
'Cause I went there with my friend Bryan and Tim and my friend Bryan he was like- I-don't-know he was like twenty at the time. He was so hammered. He's li-- he just comes up to me, "Kirk!" Gives me a hug and I just- he just drags me down to the ground I'm like, "Bryan, get off me. Just get off of me please."
Plastered; extremely drunk.
Like even like- my friend's nin-- nineteenth birthday party we got all hammered at like the little kids' school (laughs).
Plastered; extremely drunk.
Speaker: It was just a wild night. Interviewer: That's fun. Anything happen during the daytime? Speaker: Not really. I ended up pissing in the ticket booth all hammered without noticing it. ... I was like- I was like, "What's this thing?" I walk in it. "Oh well, I'm going to the bathroom here." Then I found out later it's the ticket booth. I was like "My bad."
Plastered; extremely drunk.
And there's like forty of us here. Like come on man just get out of here you-know. They start like- we were all sleeping, we were all crashed. We were all hammered past straight out.
Plastered; extremely drunk.
Interviewer: A lot of drinking in your blood (laughs). Speaker: Yeah, there's- there's a lot of, you-know, I can pass on (inc).... Yeah, yeah the blood of the Christ. ... This guy must have been hammered twenty-four-seven. ... That's a Family-Guy reference.
Plastered; extremely drunk.