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Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1933, OED Evaluation: Slang

To act in a ‘hammy’ manner, to over-act

...the only one that came in on the first year that got on student's council and became ah leader of the opposition. Usually you had to be the second year. So I was lucky I get in so you-know, I got involved in student activities there. Had a little bit of ah hamming on the stage you-know, once-in-a-while.
To be excessive, to overeact
So I was lucky I get in so you-know, I got involved in student activities there. Had a little bit of ah hamming on the stage you-know, once-in-a-while. <4> Oh boy (laughs). <019> Yeah. So you-know, we used to- we used to ham it up in school and...
To be excessive, to overeact