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May Run

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


But I think her- her birthday was on the twenty-fourth of May. And then all of the sudden, they called it this May-Run. (inc) Why May-Run? What is it? (inc) I can see if it's May-Run if that- that's the day- the weekend that the (inc) would run or-something you-know?
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: But I think her- her birthday was on the twenty-fourth of May. And then all of the sudden, they called it this May-Run. (inc) Why May-Run? What is it? (inc) I can see if it's May-Run if that- that's the day- the weekend that the (inc) would run or-something you-know?
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: Yeah May- yeah. Well there's May-Run. When I was young, we never called it May-Run, we called it Victoria-Day. Interviewer: (laughs). Speaker: What? Yeah. Interviewer: Yeah, I know. Speaker: I don't know when May-Run started, but that was way after. Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: I finished school, way after. What's May-Run? Twenty-fourth of May, they Queen's birthday, if you don't give the holiday, we'll all run away.
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: Yeah May- yeah. Well there's May-Run. When I was young, we never called it May-Run, we called it Victoria-Day. Interviewer: (laughs). Speaker: What? Yeah. Interviewer: Yeah, I know. Speaker: I don't know when May-run started, but that was way after. Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: I finished school, way after. What's May-run? Twenty-fourth of May, they Queen's birthday, if you don't give the holiday, we'll all run away.
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: Yeah May- yeah. Well there's May-Run. When I was young, we never called it May-Run, we called it Victoria-Day. Interviewer: (laughs). Speaker: What? Yeah. Interviewer: Yeah, I know. Speaker: I don't know when May-Run started, but that was way after. Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: I finished school, way after. What's May-run? Twenty-fourth of May, they Queen's birthday, if you don't give the holiday, we'll all run away.
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: So then would you say that Northern-Ontario is ah speaks English or uses different slang than Southern-Ontario? Speaker: Definitely. Interviewer: Right. Speaker: I can give an example right now (laughs). Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: We call it May Run, they call it May-Two-Four (laughs). Interviewer: That's right. Speaker: They're like, "What is May Run?" We're like, "What?" That's one that sticks out every year
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: So then would you say that Northern-Ontario is ah speaks English or uses different slang than Southern-Ontario? Speaker: Definitely. Interviewer: Right. Speaker: I can give an example right now (laughs). Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: We call it May Run, they call it May-Two-Four (laughs). Interviewer: That's right. Speaker: They're like, "What is May Run?" We're like, "What?" That's one that sticks out every year.
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: Is there any- is there any spet-- specific lingo or words that you think are ah unique to Northern-Ontario or the Timmins areas that come to your attention? Speaker: May Run. Nobody knows what May Run is.
Victoria day weekend
Speaker: Um um North-Bay, I know quite a p-- few people from North-Bay and I haven't noticed a different language that much um. Interviewer: What about slang, though? Speaker: Slang? Yes, that whole thing- that May Run, May-Two-Four thing seems to start at- past North-Bay. Interviewer: It's the border? Speaker: Mm-hm hits- it's the border.
Victoria day weekend
And he phoned me and he said "You know where that started?" And I said "No" And he said "Well, I can tell you." And he gave me names dates people and ah I followed up on it, and by golly yes May Run started in this area.
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: Um what would you call the- the ah weekend that just passed. Speaker: Oh (laughs). Victoria-Day? Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: The long weekend in May. Um the ah May Run. Interviewer: Right. Speaker: But do you know the history of May Run?
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: A lot of people call it the Two-Four down south (inc) and May Run up there. Speaker: Oh yeah? Well yeah May Run, yeah. But I just call it the long weekend because that wasn't a highlight in my life to go out camping and drinking on the May long weekend (laughs).
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: Well, like, what would you call the- the ah weekend that just passed? Speaker: Um...twenty-four-- um twenty-fourth of May? Ah May Run.
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: Um what about the weekend that just passed, what would you have called that? Speaker: May Run? Interviewer: Right. Speaker: They don't call it May Run? Interviewer: No, it's Northern-Ontario thing.
Victoria day weekend
Because of the fishing. Yeah, yeah, that's true. Ye-- always, w-- always May Run, yeah, yeah. Well, if they had ah told me that down there, "Well, what are you talking about?" Like, what are you- w-- I've never heard it called that ever before.
Victoria day weekend
Speaker: Oh, really. Interviewer: All over Northern-Ontario. Well, what do you- what do you, like, what- do you know the slang word for the Victoria ah Day weekend? Speaker: Oh, we- the May Run. Interviewer: Yeah? Speaker: Yeah, yeah. Tha-- Interviewer: 'Cause Southern-Ontario, they call it the May-Two-Four.
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: Like, what did you- what would you call the ah, the weekend that just passed? Speaker: Well, say- I- I never said May Run. I always said Victoria Day weekend. Always! Interviewer: Really. Speaker: And only when I came back from university did I ever hear May Run. Really. Interviewer: Yeah? Speaker: I never had heard that before in my life. Interviewer: Oh wow. Speaker: Yeah. So that was weird too, because we say May Run.
Victoria day weekend
Like, um 'cause obviously, a child who's in school- well, they'll listen to their teachers and they'll hang-out with all these other kids who will, you-know, they'll use "May Run". "Oh, yeah, Mom said May Run- May Run's coming up." And ah and if they just hear it in the household and at school, then you're more likely to use the words.
Victoria day weekend
Interviewer: Can you think of any other words like that or? Speaker: May Run? Interviewer: Right. Speaker: May Run's a big one. Um cottage and camp.
Victoria day weekend
Speaker: Well, in my- in my time it was Queen-Victoria's-Birthday, the weekend of Queen-Victoria's-Birthday. Now it's May Run. Interviewer: Okay, and do you know what they call it in Southern-Ontario?
Victoria day weekend