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Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1741, OED Evaluation: N/A

Of material things, esp. wooden structures or furniture: unstable; dilapidated, ramshackle.

They didn 't have the Martmin-- Martin-Goodman-Trail, so there 'd be a little bit um, rickety on the boardwalk. Beach was always filled. A thing I remember about being little- little in this beach is that they were swimming.
Poorly made, likely to collapse
It was ah, George McGrady of North-Bay. ph-- a local photographer. And this old man- I was a kid and oh, he must have been ninety-years-old. He had this- just this rickety old shack that was a little store- a little convenient store and I remember he was always so nice to the kids.
Poorly made, likely to collapse
And the ladders are rickety. Ah, some ladders are broken. I remember the top floor, what you'd do is you climb these ladders um constantl-- ah, for I-don't-know, maybe the first eighty feet or-something, and then you get to a top platform.
Poorly made, likely to collapse
Yeah and ah I worked in a- in a cage, it was kind of a metallic do-- well it was. A metal door. And it was getting kind-of old and rickety and you could force it open with your hands you-know. But one day I didn't lock my drawer when the inspectors were there. I g-- I got a note for this (laughs).
Poorly made, likely to collapse
Speaker: Yeah so it ah but it- it was old- it was- it was prison-like and home-like at the same time. Because it was so dark and- you-know so old and rickety.
Poorly made, likely to collapse