Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: So how many years would it take you to get a- Speaker: Well it would take you, the same as it does now, three years for a general Arts degree, four years for an Honours degree, plus one year at a college-of-Ed or if you taught elementary school, ah grade-thirteen and one year at normal school. Now grade-thirteen gave you a better teaching certificate for elementary purposes than if you only completed grade-twelve. It was called a first-class certificate. If you ah just had grade twelve and went to normal school for a year then you were on what was called a second-class certificate. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
... see we had three divisions in the school if-you-like. There was the academic, the commercial and the technical students. Technical and commercial ended at ah grade-twelve. The other students could graduate at twelve but if they wanted to go on to university, they usually continued on to grade-thirteen academic. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Interviewer: Which system do you prefer? Speaker: I prefer the one where there is some rigidity. Where there is some standard. Interviewer: Did you have the same set-up with exams and-things-like-that? Speaker: We had exams at Christmas, Easter and June and of-course there were departmentals to be tried in grade-thirteen which were standardized exams tried by the whole province, marked in Toronto, and ah you either succeeded or failed ah on those exams. Term work may have played a small part in your mark at Christmas and Easter but it had no part in the departmental exam. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Example | Meaning |
I was making my little speech in grade twelve once and he got up and said, "Miss-Miles, I am inviting you to my graduation party." We he was in grade thirteen all through medicine, sure enough I had been invited to his graduation party, whose names I can not recollect just now. He is a doctor. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Now out here is you're smart enough you can fiddle around so that you get all your subjects in in belong to grades nine and ten. Now all a grade thirteen certificate means, it is a, it's a statement that you put in five years in school that's all it is. Not allowed to say it to say that he's a devil in classrooms, he skips classes and things like that, you're not to say one word ... |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
... he was principal of one of the other schools and he allowed that girl who was the first Indian to get to grade thirteen not only come top...I can't remember when I was teaching in Chatham, the first Negro boy came to school into high-school and the principal said, at a school meeting, he said, "I want you to remember it's not just a boy, he represents the hopes ... |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Interviewer: Did most teachers have B-A's then, in the high-schools? Speaker: When I was teaching? Well when I first started to teach grade thirteen was divided into two sections. There were about seven subjects in each sections, and if you had your grade thirteen you could get what they called a first-class-certificate and you could teach in continuation schools, see a lot of the country schools had just first two years high-school and ah but some of them were teaching in when teachers were scarce ... |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Speaker: Well a first class certificate you've got um, you've got to um taken thirteen second you had grade twelve. Interviewer: Well I-see, that's what it meant then. Speaker: And the, ah there was several years when (cough) when they made all the public school teachers have grade thirteen and I taught night-school for several years for people who were trying to get their grade thirteen. Interviewer: What they, they do now in grade twelve and thirteen they graduate people twice I guess. You get a secondary diploma and you go to grade thirteen and honours diploma. I guess they're about the same thing. Speaker: Yes. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
... and I can remember there was one book that was prescribed that they had to use and we used it in grade ten and grade twelve and grade thirteen and ah when Lester-Royles first came he was, he and I worked together and by-the-way, he is one teacher I have the most utmost respect for. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
... only principal in town that has any backbone at all. Other principals would slam the door in his face, there was no drugs in their school and he knew..." Teaching Miss-Hasting used to say, she was our history teacher, "if I took a class right through from grade nine to grade thirteen, nobody would fail." And I used to talk to Mr-McCracken about it, I said, "if a teacher could carry a class through what it would mean." |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
And I would get six of Lester's and he would get about six of mine and do you know one time, when the inspectors came they wanted to...they thought that we were holding students back in grade twelve so that they would make a good showing in grade thirteen, we were getting such good results. And it was just that you, you had that same group right through for three years and you knew which ones prodding, which ones needed encouraging, which ones should be stepped on a bit and which ones should be given a little leeway ... |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Example | Meaning |
... my particular friends, my group of friends were all basket-ball players and we had gone all through the high-school years together and there was a group of about seven of us, I-guess that were really very good friends. And it just happened- my grade-thirteen year for various reasons, one of the girls became head-girl, and she had to be in residence ... |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
... so I failed one subject, didn't get my senior- matric 'cause back then it was senior-matriculation set by the province. Everybody- you could only graduate if you wrote that grade-thirteen exam and passed. And it wasn't at the school, it was down at the U-of-T as a matter of fact, in some great big gymnasium. Miles and miles of desks. Very intimidating, I'll tell you. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
And um, as-I-say, I failed one subject so I had to repeat my grade-thirteen. So I was sent of to Jarvis-Collegiate which was a bit of a culture shock. I was in classes with boys and I, I-mean after being at an all-girls school, boys terrified me, Matthew. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Example | Meaning |
... involved in bird-conservation. And um, it's that, that was- it- definitely a calling. No-if-and-or-buts-about-it. Because I, I don't have any biological background other than grade-thirteen, you-know, grade-thirteen biology and I did a, a home-correspondence- course in ornithology. Which is just the basics of ornithology. But I never, you-know, I don't have any degree to back up my, my knowledge in, in ornithology. It's all self- taught kind of thing. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |
Speaker: Oh well funny-enough that, now that I think about it, I was very serious about pursuing architecture. And I took architecture all the way up through grade-thirteen, drafting. And did quite well in it actually. But decided you-know, (inc) reasons. |
A fifth year of secondary school, taken by students intending to apply for university (as opposed to students in vocational streams, whose secondary school programs are only four years long). |