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Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1606, OED Evaluation: N/A

To angle with a running line; also to fish in this way.

Speaker: Mm-hm. Yeah. But not casting. We just went to trolling. Interviewer: What did you use for bait? Speaker: Nothing. If you troll- or d-- when we were there, which was a long time ago, you just threw a spoon in of some kind.
To angle with a running line; also to fish in this way.
Speaker: "Ice-fishing? How do you do that?" "I know we just troll a little." So he says, "Okay okay. So he got one of the guy- Paul-Malone, who used to be- Paul? I think it was Paul, one of the boys from Kirkland here. Was his cartoonist for one of his books he wrote, he said ah- he drew a cartoon of us out in our boat, our regular water-boat on top of the ice. Interviewer: Trolling. Speaker: "Head for shore I think we caught enough" it said the caption above it.
To angle with a running line; also to fish in this way.
Oh I can remember, see little Kennis-- Kennisis-Lake's named after little Joe-Kennisis um who was an Indian and I can remember getting up with the old guys to go out there and fish. And you would have to troll like- When you troll for fishing. And um, I never caught the fish but they said I did okay with trolling but I can go to Percy-Lake and I used to go with my mother and fish with her up there.
To angle with a running line; also to fish in this way.
Interviewer: Yeah. And did you- when did you start fishing? Speaker: Um, with my father what we used to do is, we would start here in a small little boat 'cause we didn't have a whole lot of money and, ah, my dad would actually row us around the entire island and we would troll and, ah, I remember usually catching two or three fish by the time he rowed around the entire island.
To angle with a running line; also to fish in this way.