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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1387, OED Evaluation: N/A

An animal that feeds on blood, as a leech or a biting fly.

Interviewer: Can you go swimming? Speaker: Oh no, too many ah, bloodsuckers.
A leech.
I don't like bloodsuckers. So ah, Jeff- the- the guy I was with there for thirteen years- his father came, he's from Texas.
A leech.
So ah, he sits on the rock and he comes out- out of ah- out of the water and I seen the bloodsuckers on him and, "Oh my God." Well, as soon as I seen it, my hands started shaking. Had about three of them on him.
A leech.
I says, "You have a bloodsucker on you." I says, "I'm going to take it off."
A leech.
And I guess the water had been up so high or-something-like-that it- it was just covered with bloodsuckers on the side and I thought, "Oh my God, my son is not going back in that water at all."
A leech.
Ah yes, we used to swim there. A lot of bloodsuckers though.
A leech.
Oh we've gotten bloodsuckers on our feet yes, on your toes.
A leech.