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johnny cake

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1831, OED Evaluation: U.S.

A cake made of maize-meal, in the Southern States toasted before a fire, elsewhere usually baked in a pan. Also W. Indies, a scone or dumpling.

Speaker: They um- and usually, like for the evening meals, the uh- they could go to work and they'd start a meal and you'd wonder "Well, what are they going to have tonight?" First thing they'd have a big Johnny cake- Interviewer: Oh, yes. Speaker: And the big- couple of big pans of tea biscuits and uh, that would all be done in the matter of about ten min-- fifteen minutes, you-know it's- it's why they say- the older women, they can make up a meal well- well the uh-
A cake made of maize-meal, in the Southern States toasted before a fire, elsewhere usually baked in a pan.
Speaker: ... we usually would have uh, maybe cold pork for supper and um, then dessert, mother made a lot of cakes we always had dessert. She would make a white cake or a johnny-cake- Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: Or a scone or-something-like-that.
A cake made of maize-meal, in the Southern States toasted before a fire, elsewhere usually baked in a pan.