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Bush party

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Yeah, I-think my sister- at the time it was the ski-hill, right? (clears throat) That was the big place for- for bush parties. You could- it was either at the ski-hill or at Blueberry-Hill which is over- over near Trout-Lake, but um, part of the reason I-think I didn't do that was 'cause often-times I'd end up running into my sister and that just was not welcome, so (laughs) when I was younger um, I-guess when I was in grade-nine, yeah, it just wasn't that- that wasn't going to happen.
An outdoor party, in the woods or other wildish area
One time I got my ass tossed around but I was really drunk. But the guy went after me because I was drunk. I got me like really drunk (laughs) like bush party drunk.
An outdoor party, in the woods or other wildish area
Um yeah we were walking back form a bush party and cops stopped us. I don't really remember much of it, but she got arrested, put in the car, like I don't remember this part at all. Like she told me 'cause she was watching from the car- the car.
An outdoor party, in the woods or other wildish area
Well I mean, what's the day today? Wednesday? And I'm hungover. (laughs) Like um yeah. I've been like carried out of like bush parties and...
An outdoor party, in the woods or other wildish area
Um well I mean- it was- we were really drunk. I was walking back from a bush party with s-- ah my friend Sandra and ah...
An outdoor party, in the woods or other wildish area
Speaker: Always- usually house parties. A few times I went to a- I went to a few bush parties. Oh my goodness, in grade-nine it was the best year-end ever, it was on a bus. Interviewer: What? Speaker: Like, this guy lived out on, you know where- did you go to this one? Interviewer: I don't remember. Speaker: Oh okay. Well this guy- he lived out on the highway um, near Haileybury. And he had like a huge property and in his backyard he had this bus. Um, and so it was like a bush party but there was a big bus there and people were just going crazy in and on top of the bus and I remember um people being on top of the bus and like shooting fireworks in the air and-stuff
An outdoor party, in the woods or other wildish area
Speaker: I said that I don't know but I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah. Interviewer: Yeah. Speaker: Yeah. Yeah you'd go to ah- we'd have ah like bush parties.
An outdoor party, in the woods or other wildish area
Yeah, there- we had bush parties but not- not so much, like it would be like someone who lived in the country or-something. We'd go out there and pitch tents and-that-kind-of-thing. But not um- like going to Quebec was a big thing when we were there.
An outdoor party, in the woods or other wildish area
Yeah, they'll find anywhere to party. (inc) in the summer just go- anywhere around. They'll go anywhere. In the bush, they'll go to lakes. Have bush parties everywhere.
An outdoor party, in the woods or other wildish area
Ah. The last bush party I went to was with Robert, it was when we'd just started dating. We uh- he had this four-runner who was an old truck, yellow, bright like this- and it was ah it had the big stereo system, the base, everything.
An outdoor party, in the woods or other wildish area
Straight up and we're- ended up chasing us. We ran in the bush for about half an hour to stay away from them. It was crazy. That's fun about the bush though, the bush parties were the best here.
An outdoor party, in the woods or other wildish area