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drift - 2

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: 1653, OED Evaluation: N/A

A passage ‘driven’ or excavated horizontally, for working, exploration, ventilation, or draining; esp. one driven in the direction of a mineral vein. See 'driftway'.

And I says- we're taking this guy- called- his name was Andrew. We're taking Andrew out. He was a miner, a drift miner. And he had a bad habit after a blast. Instead of scaling before he started mucking, he'd walk in and try to get- get ready to- to drill where the guys mucking eh? And Gerard knew him and says "Andrew, you got a bad habit."
A passage ‘driven’ or excavated horizontally, for working, exploration, ventilation, or draining; esp. one driven in the direction of a mineral vein. See 'driftway'.
Speaker: There was one time there that we- I was working in what they called a drift. Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: And we were at the end of drift and we ah did our- our drilling- drilling of the holes. Interviewer: Mm-hm. Speaker: Then we loaded the ah- the holes up with powder. Then you had to light the fuses, eh?
A passage ‘driven’ or excavated horizontally, for working, exploration, ventilation, or draining; esp. one driven in the direction of a mineral vein. See 'driftway'.
Speaker: ... when you go in the museum upstairs and you see the underground setting with the- with the a grey settings it looks as though you're looking in the mine-shaft. That was ah conceived by ah- it was a drift- ah (Speaker 2 speaks). Interviewer: Yeah, that's good.
A passage ‘driven’ or excavated horizontally, for working, exploration, ventilation, or draining; esp. one driven in the direction of a mineral vein. See 'driftway'.
Speaker: I'm not sure how they do it now but when I was doing it, they had ah- y-- you were drill-- it's like a f-- they call it a face, eh? Your- your face. Y-- it's like in the drift. Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: And then you start your drift. So you had ah one, two- you start with five holes in the middle of the- the face I would say. And two holes are big like this. Like they're about three inches in diameter. Interviewer: Okay. Speaker: They're called bull-bits.
A passage ‘driven’ or excavated horizontally, for working, exploration, ventilation, or draining; esp. one driven in the direction of a mineral vein. See 'driftway'.