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Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


where people now are saying, "This has to be picture perfect when you get to that stage." So we did, in education and I would say it 's education's fault, we swung a little bit to too much to being loosey-goosey to now we 're coming back and saying, "No, there are proper ways of- of doing things."
No, no, we just ah, living in Toronto ah, people are more uptight there like they talk in a different- they're not as loosey-goosey as we are you-know-what-I-mean. Like ah, we're more easy-going, talking, over there, it's almost like you've got to be a professional- the way you would- just- you can't talk.
Nothing they did was for nothing. Then you could sort-of, like I say, you can always loosen up a bit. Little bit later on. But ah I'd know- beginnings are a really important time to me. But- but they're not a- they're not a slack time. They're not a loosey-goosey time. They're ah not like the last day (laughs).
Mister-Kenyon kind of stands out to me because I find a lot of the English teachers, a lot of the people- well, a lot of the teachers in the arts these days have this very ah loosey-goosey kind-of left-wing view to teaching the subject...