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sand-baked beans

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Interviewer: Do you remember any of those picnics? Speaker: Oh, my father- oh, here I go again! My father was- they had sand-baked beans- Interviewer: They had what? Speaker: Sand. Baked. Beans. ... You know, you dig a hole, put the pot in the ground, heat up the s-- s-- heat up the s-- ... Heat- heat up the sand. You'd cover the whole pot right up
Baked beans cooked by surrounding a cooking pot with sand (or any other inorganic material with low oxygen content), and then heating the sand. (The sand distributes heat well; dirt will not work well.)
... the picnic was held on a Sunday. You'd have to start on Friday night to heat this thing up. And then, ah, by, ah, Sunday, the beans were baked, and lovely. That's the bag- sand-baked beans! He used to do that.
Baked beans cooked by surrounding a cooking pot with sand (or any other inorganic material with low oxygen content), and then heating the sand. (The sand distributes heat well; dirt will not work well.)
And then his brother took over and, ah, he used to travel all the way to Belleville and all over that and show people- you-know, people wanted baked- sand-baked beans, he'd go and do it for them. But the picnics, there would be the- they'd set up little stalls, and I remember the ice-cream truck would come in from Pembroke.
Baked beans cooked by surrounding a cooking pot with sand (or any other inorganic material with low oxygen content), and then heating the sand. (The sand distributes heat well; dirt will not work well.)