Example | Meaning |
You see when- ah we'd start in the spring every year and there'd be lawn socials. Maybe oh ah strawberry socials. And they'd serve you strawberries. And they'd have a ball-game. And then after that, there'd come- well it'd be just a lawn social or the ice-cream social. |
A fundraising social event where strawberries, strawberry shortcakes, and other sweets are sold. |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: And now were there big square-dances in the harvest in October- t-- in September, October? Harvest dances? Speaker: No, there was more suppers at the church. (both laugh) For you had to work! We had strawberry-socials and what were the rest of them called? Where you went and there was no facilities at the church whatsoever. |
A fundraising social event where strawberries, strawberry shortcakes, and other sweets are sold. |
Example | Meaning |
The ah um entertainment consisted of a lot of house parties. And ah you'd announce a house party and the neighbours would show up with their horse and buggies and ah spend the evening ah listening to music or dancing or have a strawberry social on your front deck. And it revolved around through the community. |
A fundraising social event where strawberries, strawberry shortcakes, and other sweets are sold. |
Example | Meaning |
Now, my parents went to the- the odd social event. You-know, they- in the summer times they would have strawberry socials, they called it. And that was- ... Just like a big party, a get-together and- ... And strawberries and shortcake, I guess it is. |
A fundraising social event where strawberries, strawberry shortcakes, and other sweets are sold. |