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Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A

Year 1901

Interviewer: When, ah, were you born? Speaker: Nineteen-one. Interviewer: Mm-hm. And you ah told me I think that you had a brother. Speaker: Yes. Interviewer: Older or younger? Speaker: Younger, three years younger than I was. Interviewer: Born in nineteen-four. Speaker: Four, yes.
1901 (year)
He ah, he always wanted to move back to Warsaw, which was his home-town and the Washington family had been in Warsaw from ah, eighteen-thirty-one until nineteen-forty-one but in nineteen-one-one he moved to Lakefield and ah, ah people don't realize- we in our family realize what he gave up to do that- he was well liked, well respected and known and at that time he was forty years or age.
1901 (year)
My grandfather cam-- hav-- came to Muskoka and he was a carpenter but he- they did like to farm too, so they- he's- in nineteen-hundred, he sent his son, who would- became my grandfather up to scout out the place and find a farm, and then they came up in nineteen-one. I have to tell you, when they came on the Meteor nineteen-one, there was my great-grandfather, my great-grandmother, my grandmother, who was I-don't-know, twelve.
1901 (year)
She was a more or less a child- ah a teenager. Her older sister and husband came with them so (inc) and ah I was looking at family tree a few years ago and I realized that that aunt of mine who came on the Meteor in nineteen-one, they came May, she had a baby the end of June. In nineteen-oh-one, she's either awfully brave or awfully stupid (laughs).
1901 (year)