Of disposition, etc.: Characterized by levity, frivolity, or excessive liveliness.
Example | Meaning |
You know the way Kylie is. She 's very um, apprehensive. She 's very um, skittish um and that was just because of how she was raised and I think in the next- in the next few years... |
Synonymous to 'crazy' |
Hi good girl. So yeah that 's how I met (inc). She 's a (inc). She got skittish because she heard something and then she heard (inc). Yeah! Guess what Gillian bought? |
Synonymous to 'crazy' |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: Are they playing or what's going on? Speaker: No. They're just following. They're very skittish of humans; they won't come near a human. All these stories you hear about wolf attacks and-that: that's a pile of crap. I grew up with them. |
Synonymous to 'crazy' |
Example | Meaning |
They- they, ah- yeah, my father he had a- he used to write letters and (inc) to the war. Ah, we had, ah, war-drives. Ah, mother would, ah- they- they- they would drive into town and take blood and ah, my mother was skittish person around blood, but anyway, it came down to the job. The Women's-Institute ran it- came down to the job that they bottle the blood in quart sealers and sealed it. |
Synonymous to 'crazy' |
Example | Meaning |
And ah, anyways mom said she was really glad it was Duke instead of Belle, 'cause Belle was the one that was- it was skittish at best, like not near as- as ah, gentle as what ah old Duke was. He wouldn't hurt anything. |
Synonymous to 'crazy' |