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Parf of speech: Adjective, OED Year: 1412, OED Evaluation: N/A

Of disposition, etc.: Characterized by levity, frivolity, or excessive liveliness.

You know the way Kylie is. She 's very um, apprehensive. She 's very um, skittish um and that was just because of how she was raised and I think in the next- in the next few years...
Synonymous to 'crazy'
Hi good girl. So yeah that 's how I met (inc). She 's a (inc). She got skittish because she heard something and then she heard (inc). Yeah! Guess what Gillian bought?
Synonymous to 'crazy'
Interviewer: Are they playing or what's going on? Speaker: No. They're just following. They're very skittish of humans; they won't come near a human. All these stories you hear about wolf attacks and-that: that's a pile of crap. I grew up with them.
Synonymous to 'crazy'
They- they, ah- yeah, my father he had a- he used to write letters and (inc) to the war. Ah, we had, ah, war-drives. Ah, mother would, ah- they- they- they would drive into town and take blood and ah, my mother was skittish person around blood, but anyway, it came down to the job. The Women's-Institute ran it- came down to the job that they bottle the blood in quart sealers and sealed it.
Synonymous to 'crazy'
And ah, anyways mom said she was really glad it was Duke instead of Belle, 'cause Belle was the one that was- it was skittish at best, like not near as- as ah, gentle as what ah old Duke was. He wouldn't hurt anything.
Synonymous to 'crazy'