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Parf of speech: Verb, OED Year: 1847, OED Evaluation: North American. Originally Canadian

A simple or informal game of ice hockey, esp. one played outdoors.

They look so small, I mean our- our house was twelve feet wide and the other way was five feet or four feet, 'cause I know I could shinny up, to the upstairs bedroom window and get in the bedroom window if my Mom wasn 't home, because I knew that bedroom window was open.
Informal hockey play. No rules or positions
But ah between the oil-tanks, and my mum- and where- where I grew up, there was one particular ah spot there that was always full of coal. And I can remember that pile of coal. And we had to shinny a big fence if we wanted to go over there, and we used to do it...
Informal hockey play. No rules or positions
I think these were kinda just kinda off to the- but anyway we used to do that, we used to do that, we used to shinny that fence and ah go over there and shovel off a nice pad and play hockey. We'd do that all the time. It was either there or down at the harbour.
Informal hockey play. No rules or positions
So when I was little, those- when the harbour was not available, that's where we played hockey. We would carry our hockey-sticks down, and our skates, and we'd shinny the fence to get over by the oil-tank, and in there was the most perfect ice-pads you ever saw in your life.
Informal hockey play. No rules or positions