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Miner's mouth

Parf of speech: Expression, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


Interviewer: Um what else is like ah well you know, miner's-mouth (inc). Speaker: Miner's-mouth? Interviewer: Yeah. All the cursing and (inc). Speaker: Oh. That's the first thing I thought of when you said miner's-mouth, but ah. Interviewer: Yeah. Do you- do you- did you ever find that your ah your father would swear a lot coming home from work or?
Someone who swears a lot
Interviewer: Do you think that the ah, the mine has played a role in how- well, the mines played a role in how people speak English? Speaker: I-don't-know. Interviewer: No? Speaker: Groups- groups of men and- ah, well, probably, it must have. Interviewer: Miner's mouth? Speaker: Miner's mouth, you-know, go home, and I'm sure they came up with, you-know, some short forms, or weird- weird ways of saying things.
Someone who swears a lot
And I think that's just because of that closeness. I don't think you'd see that with people in um Southern-Ontario and-that. But working in the mine, working that- it's like we said about the F-word at the mine, the miner's-mouth. Because you work with them. And I worked with them for many summers.
Someone who swears a lot
But it's ver-- I don't want to call it the blue-collar talking and they're the white-collar talking, but it's almost- I think like that- here we talk "ahh" you-know, there's some swear words once in a while. Eff this eff that. It's called the miner's-mouth. My wife had it- she worked in the (laughs)- she worked in the um ah at the Kidd-Creek Med-site. And ah oo she gets it from that. And it's true.
Someone who swears a lot