to catch someone
Example | Meaning |
Speaker: So none of the kids would ever climb down 'cause they 'd be afraid, but I was pretty daring- and I could like jump from like the third level down to the first and that would like be pretty good to escape anyone that was trying to tag you. |
to catch someone |
Example | Meaning |
So he whenever he caught you and tagged you three times in the b-- back then you had to join the group in the middle. Well, this would go on and when they caught you, if you laid down on your back so they couldn't tag you and- kicked and thrashed and punched and so on, you could lay there as long as was possible and they had to have a whole gang to- to get you. So you got the weak ones- it was like survival of the fittest. |
to catch someone |
Example | Meaning |
Speaker: 'Cause people be like "Ah do you know who's it?" and then they'd come up and tag you and it's just like "Ugh, should have been paying attention." Interviewer: Yeah see we knew that either as monster tag or family tag, that's what we knew those as, but- Speaker: Or ghost-in-the-graveyard. But that was mostly not at school, that was at night. |
to catch someone |
Example | Meaning |
Interviewer: Kick-the-can? Speaker: Yeah, it's like a tag game. Interviewer: Oh. Speaker: Yeah you play with a group of people and you have the can in the middle of yard and one person's it. And i-- and- when they tag you, you have to go to home base. But the c-- can is there. Somebody comes and kicks the can, everybody who's in home base gets free. Interviewer: (Laughs) Speaker: So we would play that a lot 'cause there was lots of kids in our neighbourhood. |
to catch someone |
Example | Meaning |
Speaker: Anti-I-Over. Interviewer: Antie-I-Over. I've- that's- that's- explain that. Speaker: Well you'd throw the ball you-see and 'course you start running and if the guy who caught it, he had to tag you, meet me around the school. So whoever ended up with the biggest team you-see, won it. Interviewer: What a fun game. Speaker: And you never knew where this ball was going to come 'cause you had to through it over the school well. |
to catch someone |