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hick town

Parf of speech: Noun, OED Year: N/A, OED Evaluation: N/A


But okay you got Montreal you got okay Quebec. Then you had like Winnipeg. They were probably like little hick-towns back in those days right? Vancouver knew nothing about Vancouver when I was growing up. I didn't even know Vancouver existed right? Um but um well yeah Toronto I mean ah. Immigrants. Ah yeah they would come- actually most of the immigrants would come into Halifax from Halifax ...
A (stereotypical) small, rural town full of uneducated and unsophisticated people.
"Oh my God, you live far." So they view it as like s-- really, really north- ... Which it really isn't because there's so much more like land on top of us (laughs). Um, and they also see it as a really big hick town. Not a big hick town but it's- it's very hick because the population's like just over a thousand. (laughs) Um, but yeah. But I don't think there's really anything that truly defines this town for me anyway. Yeah. It's just where I come from, that's all (laughs).
A (stereotypical) small, rural town full of uneducated and unsophisticated people.
... the separation between the- those schools in North-Bay and the- and the- and that region compared to us. 'Cause we're- e-- everyone in Temiski-- Temiskaming district like New-Liskeard, T-D-S-S, ah, us, ah, we're seen as a hick town. ... We're seen as the hicks compared to the North-Bay kids. ... So when they come in, they're like "Okay. Well these are like the- these are like the- the- no-teeth hicks."
A (stereotypical) small, rural town full of uneducated and unsophisticated people.